The ImagineSoftware 2024 Client Conference, held earlier this year near Washington, D.C., closed with a deeply moving keynote of reflection and commemoration, honoring the resilience and sacrifices of 9/11 first responders.

Lauren Schuler, a retired FBI Special Agent, joined conference attendees to share the profoundly personal and professional story of how her life took a defining turn on September 11, 2001, a day that would intertwine her destiny with the threads of national history and personal hardship. Her journey is not only a testament to her commitment to justice and national security, but also to her unconquerable spirit in the face of adversity.

From Service to Sacrifice

Lauren's career at the FBI was marked by her specialization in cybercrime and infrastructure protection within the Baltimore Division. In addition to her regular assignments, she was also a member of the Evidence Response Team (ERT). On 9/11, she and her teammates were deployed to the Pentagon where responders worked 12-hour shifts around the clock recovering evidence, personal effects, and human remains. Reflecting on that day, Lauren remarked, "I knew that our lives were to be changed forever and that the security of our nation was no longer certain. What I didn’t know was how these attacks were to play a deep personal role in my life many years later."

The Lingering Shadows of 9/11

Lauren vividly recounted the harrowing days spent amidst the debris and devastation of the Pentagon, where she was exposed to a toxic environment that would later claim her health. Sixteen years post-9/11, she faced a dire diagnosis: Multiple Myeloma, an incurable blood cancer, and related kidney failure, directly linked to her service as a first responder at the Pentagon. Her battle against this formidable foe has been arduous and fraught with worry and pain. "The diagnosis was a shock. I had never heard of this rare type of cancer," Lauren shared. "So I Googled it, and what came back was, not only the scientific and symptomatic information about it, but also a plethora of articles related to the many 9/11 responders who were being diagnosed with it."

Championing the Cause

Once in remission, and following a kidney transplant, Lauren turned her personal struggle into a platform for advocacy. She has dedicated herself to raising awareness about the health issues faced by 9/11 first responders and survivors. She has shared her story with many groups and on the news, not only to honor the legacy of her fellow responders but to encourage changes that could protect future generations. "Every time I speak is an opportunity to educate the public about the devastating physical and mental health effects that 9/11 has had on responders and survivors that will go on for the duration of our entire generation," Lauren stated.

A Personal and Public Battle

Throughout her keynote, Lauren’s story was interwoven with emotional and instructional moments, providing insights into both the physical and mental challenges of her journey. She spoke of the grueling treatments, the loneliness of recovery, and the strength she found within herself to advocate for others. "This story is not just about me; it is meant to be a reminder about the life-changing illnesses so many 9/11 responders and survivors are facing today, or will be facing in the future,” she noted.

Envisioning a Safer Future

Her advocacy extends beyond her own experiences. It involves pushing for better protective measures, such as improved access to personal protective equipment (PPE) and rigorous health monitoring for first responders. Lauren emphasized the importance of preparedness: "First responders must be armed not just with the tools to protect civilians and communities, but with safety equipment to protect themselves against some as of yet unknown or incomprehensible threat."

Legacy of Resilience and Hope

Lauren Schuler's life and work are a reminder of the enduring impact of national tragedies on individual lives and the transformative power of resilience and advocacy. Her story serves as both a beacon of hope and a stern reminder of the ongoing needs of those who serve and protect. It was truly an honor to have her take the ImagineSoftware stage and share not merely a recounting of events, but a powerful call to action, urging an ongoing commitment to safeguarding the health and well-being of first responders everywhere.

Her keynote emphasized the depth of the commitment and sacrifices made by our public servants in response to the 9/11 attacks, which resonated deeply with all present. She inspired us to “Never forget and make every day count!”


Kristen Greer

As Director of Marketing Operations with 15 years proven experience, Kristen focuses on building marketing programs that promote unmatched product innovation and thought leadership while advancing the company vision of driving success for ImagineSoftware clients, partners, and employees through dynamic systems and a culture of excellence. She leads a creative team responsible for accelerating the company’s marketing strategy and brand recognition, providing exceptional attention to detail so that all initiatives flow smoothly from concept to completion.