Latest news and helpful tips for topics including automation, AI, reporting and analytics in medical billing, revenue cycle management, and solutions for patients.
Navigating the evolving healthcare landscape requires staying informed and proactive. Learn how recent updates on Medicaid expansion, the No Surprises Act, and key advocacy opportunities impact providers. Discover actionable strategies for adapting to these changes and driving meaningful policy advancements.
Hospitals and clinics face complex billing challenges that demand efficient revenue cycle management solutions. Discover how tailored RCM software streamlines billing, automates administrative tasks, and ensures timely reimbursements, empowering healthcare providers to maintain financial stability and focus on quality care.
Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) is the foundation of healthcare financial operations, guiding organizations through key steps like patient registration, claims submission, and payment reconciliation. By understanding and optimizing these steps, providers can enhance billing accuracy, minimize errors, and ensure timely reimbursements.
AI technology took center stage at RSNA 2024, with ImagineSoftware presenting RADNAV®, an innovative solution integrating with ImagineOne® to optimize patient follow-ups in radiology. By automating processes and improving patient engagement, RADNAV® helps reduce missed follow-ups, enhance outcomes, and boost practice revenue.
Automation is revolutionizing healthcare revenue cycle management, reducing administrative burdens and enhancing accuracy. With tools like robotic process automation (RPA) and AI-driven analytics, healthcare providers can streamline billing, claims processing, and payment reconciliation, improving cash flow and enabling staff to focus on patient care.
Explore how specialized Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) software tackles the unique billing challenges of emergency medicine, anesthesiology, radiology, and other healthcare sectors. Discover how tailored solutions streamline workflows, ensure compliance, and improve financial outcomes for healthcare providers.
Dive into the essential steps of Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) workflows in healthcare. From patient scheduling to claims processing and payment reconciliation, discover how efficient workflows optimize billing accuracy, reduce delays, and enhance financial outcomes. Learn the benefits of automation and integrated systems in creating seamless processes for healthcare providers.
Discover ImagineEngagement, a cutting-edge solution presented by James Chasteen during ImagineSoftware's webinar. This platform transforms patient billing with automated pre-billing, personalized payment options, tiered discounts, and real-time reporting. Learn how ImagineEngagement enhances revenue collection, reduces errors, and tailors billing communications for maximum patient engagement. Watch the full webinar to explore how automation drives operational efficiency and financial success in healthcare.
ImagineSoftware, in partnership with Guidance Analytics, hosted an in-depth webinar focused on enhancing MIPS reporting for radiology practices. Experts shared strategies to navigate recent MIPS changes, automate reporting, and leverage QCDR measures for better scores. Learn how advanced analytics and AI-driven tools are helping practices stay compliant, avoid penalties, and improve financial outcomes.
Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) software is essential for healthcare providers, streamlining billing, claims processing, and patient payments. By automating key steps in the revenue cycle, RCM software minimizes administrative burdens, ensures timely payments, and improves financial transparency, enabling providers to focus more on patient care.