Welcome to an in-depth exploration of "Closing the Loop on Patient Follow-Up," where we dive into the essentials of automating patient engagement and follow-up with the innovations brought forth by the RADNAV® system. In a recent webinar, Adam Kirell, Imagine’s Senior Director of Business Development for RADNAV®, outlined the crucial aspects and significant benefits of implementing a robust patient follow-up program. These key takeaways are below:

Why Implement a Follow-Up Program?

Kirell started the webinar by addressing the often-overlooked importance of follow-up programs in medical practices. He highlighted how such programs are not just beneficial but essential for enhancing patient care and managing medical practice effectively. Kirell stated, "Many practitioners may not realize the latent issues within their follow-up processes until they face negative outcomes like lawsuits or, worse, missed diagnoses."

Key Questions to Consider:

  • Have you considered the necessity and benefits of a follow-up program?
  • Are you aware of how many follow-up recommendations go unnoticed in your practice?
  • What impact could a streamlined follow-up process have on your practice and patient health?

Kirell emphasized the real-world implications of inefficient follow-up systems, noting, "On average, follow-up rates are as low as 50%, and in some cases, only 20% of recommended follow-ups are completed. This not only results in lost revenue, but also poses significant health risks to patients."

Introducing RADNAV®

RADNAV®, a solution that integrates seamlessly with ImagineOneTM, as well as interfaces with other medical software systems, was developed to revolutionize how medical practices handle patient follow-ups. RADNAV® automates the follow-up process, ensuring that no patient falls through the cracks due to administrative oversights or miscommunication.

How RADNAV® Works:

  1. Identification of Lapsed Patients: Utilizing AI and natural language processing, RADNAV® scans radiology reports in real-time to identify follow-up recommendations.
  1. Engagement of Patients and Care Teams: Through automated, multi-channel communication, RADNAV® informs and reminds both patients and healthcare providers about necessary follow-ups.
  1. Ensuring Continuity of Care: RADNAV® provides detailed analytics to track follow-up compliance and patient outcomes, thereby enhancing the overall quality of care.

Kirell explained, "RADNAV® not only identifies the missed follow-ups but ensures they are acted upon. This drastically reduces liability and missed opportunities for patient care." 

Real-World Impact and Implementation

Kirell shared compelling statistics and stories from real users to illustrate the positive impact of RADNAV®. One particularly sobering example involved a medical practice that delayed implementing a follow-up system only to experience a tragic loss when a staff member passed away from late-diagnosed cancer, which a proper follow-up program could have potentially caught earlier.

Implementation Ease:

Implementing RADNAV® is described as a straightforward process, typically taking 3-4 weeks from start to finish, including training and technical setup. Kirell noted, "The integration of RADNAV® with existing systems like Imagine simplifies the technical demands, making it an accessible improvement for any practice."

Benefits of RADNAV®

The primary benefits of implementing RADNAV® are significant:

  • Improved Patient Outcomes: Early detection and treatment of conditions that might otherwise go unnoticed.
  • Increased Revenue: Recovery of missed follow-ups translates directly into increased billing opportunities.
  • Reduced Liability: Decrease in malpractice claims due to improved communication and tracking of follow-up care.

Kirell concluded, "The simplicity of RADNAV®’s integration and the profound impact it has on patient care and practice efficiency make it an essential upgrade for medical practices."

The discussion highlighted that RADNAV® not only improves healthcare delivery, but also enhances operational efficiency and financial performance for medical practices that utilize a system like RADNAV®. Providers can significantly close the loop on patient follow-up care, ensuring that medical practices not only meet but exceed the standard of care expected by patients and regulatory bodies alike.



Kristen Greer

As Director of Marketing Operations with 15 years proven experience, Kristen focuses on building marketing programs that promote unmatched product innovation and thought leadership while advancing the company vision of driving success for ImagineSoftware clients, partners, and employees through dynamic systems and a culture of excellence. She leads a creative team responsible for accelerating the company’s marketing strategy and brand recognition, providing exceptional attention to detail so that all initiatives flow smoothly from concept to completion.